One-Day Onsite
Strategy Session

During this one-day strategy session, you will get the answers to the common struggles facing group practices and DSO.

Like a new-patient exam, diagnosis, and treatment plan, Aligned Dental Partners will work to gain an understanding of the current state of your business, determine the best path to reaching your goals, and develop your roadmap to success, which will include the following:
  • The ideal legal structure to grow and scale your DSO
  • The proper accounting platform to understand your company expenses, net profit, and create a working tool to manage your DSO
  • A proper calculation of EBITDA to understand its impact on the value of your organization
  • Identify the low hanging fruit – overspend, waste, and inefficiency in your company
  • The correct HR infrastructure to manage, recruit, and retain your workforce
  • How to effectively build and scale your management team and platform to accomplish your goals
  • How to build and develop a pipeline of acquisitions to grow your dental group.
Call Us! (941) 203-3954

How It Works

We will come to you!

Aligned Dental Partners’ executive team will spend in-person time with your company’s owners, key stakeholders, and management team to evaluate the dental support organization and develop a strategic business plan in 3 key areas: Financial Analysis, Operating Platform, and your Business Development Strategy.

Operating Platform: ADP will evaluate the effectiveness of your infrastructure in the following key areas: Legal, Accounting, HR, Revenue Cycle, Procurement, and Operations.
Financial Analysis: ADP will analyze your financial statements to discover areas of overspend and quantify projected savings such as dental supplies and labs which exist under the ADP vendor umbrella.
Business Development: ADP will create a plan to grow your business organically as well as build a pipeline for external growth such as mergers and acquisitions.

Then What?

Aligned Dental Partners will build a custom work plan with action items, deadlines, and accountable parties to achieve your vision.

Key Takeaways…

  • Your current estimated and projected EBITDA
  • The approximate value of your company today
  • Opportunities for streamlining operations for increased revenue and decreased expenses
  • An understanding of your company’s platform development and solutions for growth
  • New ideas to grow and scale your business
  • What your future looks like as an Aligned Dental Partners client.

Get Started!

Please fill out the contact form below to schedule a meeting with one of our senior consultants.
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