Friends and Clients of Aligned Dental Partners,
As a dentist amidst this global crisis, your focus should now be on the preservation of your business. Some practices may not survive this shut down period due to mismanaging their cash flow priorities and laying off their teams. Utilizing the following whitepaper, protocols and tools will help re-prioritize your cash flow, manage your personal and business balance sheet and help you make the right decisions on what to do with your team.
Practice Preservation Whitepaper:
This whitepaper, authored by Dr. Alex Giannini, is a guide to managing your practice and personal cash flow to determine financial stability during this unprecedented time of uncertainty.
Needed Disaster Loans/Financial Relief:
Here you will find a checklist, FAQ’s and IRS forms needed to complete the SBA loan process.
How to handle layoffs, furloughs and unemployment:
Wondering what you should be doing with your team members? For those team members who are, unfortunately considered “non-essential”, we have included a Furlough Notice and Team Member Assistance Guide to help navigate the unemployment process.
Essential Team Member Work Plans:
For those that you deem “essential” team members, we have included a Sample Work Plan for activities that can be safely completed during this downtime.
Tools for Your Doctors:
Here you will find a notice to your doctors for Emergency Services Only as well as a sample Emergency Treatment Consent Form specifically for COVID-19.